If you cannot create new ticket. Please check and sure this points:
  1. Support of item hasn't expired
  2. Purchased code correct for this item
  3. You were logged in or using info correct
  4. Choose correct ticket type
  5. Contact us if you still can't send ticket
We only support for our item and will be refuse support for other issues. Please refere support policy at here
Yes. You can do it step by step:
  1. Backup database
  2. Backup full source code
  3. Backup files uploaded
  4. Move all data backup to new server or storage you want save backup
Please refere detail of step at here

You can do it by your self if you are developer or rent any developer/freelancer do it (But we don't encourage for it. Because it can cause problems and we not support for functions, issues you were changed).

You can do it by us. We always support for customize new functions by a cost or free. Please refere my service at here